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Anton Renouf
Creative Technologist
Let me tell you about...
Creative Technologist
Successfully showcased an innovative location based experience to 80+ guests, many of whom felt augmented with special abilities.
Splash'n Dash
Technical Game Design Intern
Spearheaded development of a prototype mobile AR application that offered a controlled and enjoyable exercise environment for children with chronic lung ailments.
Mindfull Bloom
Creative Technologist
Merged AR and BCI technologies to create an immersive, stress-trigger learning intervention that resulted in focussed attention meditation through finger painting.
I also did...
Experience Designer
Crafted a VR narrative experience about the consequences of jealousy and obsession.
Jumphobia: Homeward Bound
Level Design Intern
Designed a variety of levels for Jumphobia: Homeward Bound, released on Steam.
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